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Why is personalized reporting important?

How employees engage with their screening results is just as important as determining how they can complete their screening. That’s why Quest Diagnostics offers a variety of reports that don’t just explain test results, they help employees understand their overall health based on their measurements and assist in developing plans for health improvement. All participant reports also include a Medical Summary Report to promote coordination of care with the employee’s personal physician.

With the MyHealth Profile™ and MyGuide to Health™ reports, organizations can integrate other wellness offerings into the report, helping those at risk for chronic conditions know what health improvement resources are available to them. With extensive customization and high personalization, these report types aim to improve health literacy and drive health improvement by providing a detailed plan for reducing chronic disease risk.

Connect to Care

Personalized guidance based on health risks

Personalized reporting helps increase health literacy and employee engagement in well-being offerings. 
MyGuide to Health Image

The MyGuide to Health™

The MyGuide to Health™ offers heightened personalization and flexibility to increase engagement and promote other relevant health improvement programs. It maximizes the value of biometric screening results by aligning the individual’s unique health risks with suggestions for health improvement and information about other available wellness resources.

The MyGuide to Health also features colorful, personalized imagery and content that apply to individuals based on their age, gender, current health status, and previous results. 

The MyHealth Profile™

The MyHealth Profile™ is the most comprehensive participant report offered by Quest Diagnostics, combining data from a health questionnaire, a customizable lab test panel menu, and biometrics. Screening participants also receive a Health Quotient score created from their Health Questionnaire and laboratory results to give insight into their overall health status.

The MyHealth Profile features personalized content that applies to participants based on their age, gender, current health status, and previous results. The full-color, print report features fresh, inviting photography and illustrations that reinforce key points to engage readers and improve health literacy. Page count is variable based on the screening panel and additional tests selected. The print report includes features to empower participants to take their next steps toward maintaining or improving their health.

Learn more about biometric screenings from Quest Diagnostics:

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