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Your lab is key to delivering clinical excellence and advancing value-based care

Innovations in healthcare are changing the outlook for patients—but can be a challenge for health systems to deliver. As we make progress with rare and complex conditions, it becomes more challenging to identify the optimal tests, diagnoses, and care. In a recent Quest study of hundreds of genetic test orders, 54% of the tests verified were incorrectly ordered1 and subsequently corrected to another test. This isn’t surprising, but it is an opportunity. By rethinking the role of your lab, you can reduce care variation, improve patient care, and positively impact the health of the community you serve. 

Powering clinical excellence


1 Quest data on file, 2017.

Better insights. Better treatments. Better outcomes.

Increase the quality and consistency of evidence-based medicine across your health system.

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Close gaps in care with population health services

Our Gaps in Care solutions use data analytics to enhance care efficiency and lower costs, with the potential to impact quality health reporting.

Learn about population health