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Personalized results reports help employees connect the dots

Written by Sara Cross, Account Manager, Quest Diagnostics 

Employer-sponsored health screening programs have a lot of moving parts. Between screening results, health questionnaires, incentives, and other program facets, it’s difficult to make sure every part of your program is effectively communicated to your employees. Touching every employee at the main point of engagement makes a big difference, and that is why personalized employee reporting is one of the most important parts of a biometric screening program.

Over the past few years as an Account Manager, I have had multiple employer groups transition from our basic participant report – the MyTest™ – to an upgraded, highly personalized report – the MyGuide to Health™. But why would a group upgrade their report? Isn’t simply delivering biometric and lab test results all that’s needed?

Barry Wehmiller, a group who has conducted employee health screenings through Quest Diagnostics for multiple years, switched to the enhanced report before their 2016 program began, and within that program year, they saw the benefits of the customizable, participant-focused report. Due to the initial success of this upgraded report, they continue to use the MyGuide to Health in today. Through my conversations with Alexis Zygmund, Wellbeing Engagement Leader at Barry Wehmiller, I’ve been able to identify the three main reasons why an enhanced reporting option is essential for growing your wellness program and boosting participation.

In-depth insight

The enhanced reporting option doesn’t only list out the result values for the employee, but also discusses what each result means, and what steps can be taken to help improve an out-of-range result or maintain a healthy result.  Well-being tips are also included in the report, to link physical health to overall well-being. The report also provides the participant with direction on where to go next, and encourages them to act on their unique health risks to begin their quest for better health.

Additionally, the MyGuide to Health allows for employers to include custom messaging about resources available to their employees within the report. These resources are printed directly on the report near the related result values, and are tailored to each employee based on the health plan they have, as well as their screening results. This allows employer groups to connect the dots for participants. It “brings all aspects of [the participant’s] well-being program together,” said Zygmund, and “reinforces communication efforts about what other resources and programs are available.”

A timely touch-point

Not only does an enhanced reporting option provide more detailed, educational information, it also puts that information in front of employees when they are most likely to act on it: while they are reviewing their results. Getting the attention of employees at this point of engagement is essential, and makes a big difference in the effectiveness of your wellness program. This also increases the chances of individuals taking action to better their health.

During a well-being program, a lot of communications are sent out about different offerings. Zygmund confirmed that the Barry Wehmiller HR department said too many communication messages had been a challenge for them in the past, but “this report helped more effectively communicate the resources available.”

It’s difficult to find the balance where you’re not over or under communicating, and it’s even more difficult to engage with employees and encourage them to make use of the resources available to them. Sometimes, with so many messages floating around, it’s hard for employees to realize everything that’s offered and related to them specifically, until the information is all right in front of them. Including details about resources within the results report gives employees that “ah-ha” moment, where they can see the connection between their out-of-range result and the offerings in place to help them get back on track.

Increased interest

Having an enhanced report leads to more engaged employees and more excitement about your biometric screening program. Zygmund said that the switch to the MyGuide to Health report was also deemed a great success because it “got people talking about biometrics after the fact, which had not been the case in years past.” Barry Wehmiller employees expressed positive feedback to the Wellbeing and HR teams, and that helped push the decision to stick with the upgraded reporting option in 2017. “One participant said ‘the report was like having my own guidebook to my personal health',” said Zygmund. Having employees react so positively to their results report leads to even more engagement. If employees are excited about the biometric screening program, they will talk about it, and encourage others in the workplace to see how great it is. Word of mouth referral from colleagues is, and always will be, a great way to boost program participation.

Even though an enhanced reporting option may require a bit more of an investment, you’ll see the returns in employee engagement and improved health. And, with more employees engaged in their health, you can positively affect your bottom line by having a healthier, more informed, and more productive workforce.

Learn more about the benefits of personalized results reporting

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1. “Key Statistics for Colorectal Cancer.” American Cancer Society. Updated 21 February 2018. Accessed 26 July 2018.

2. “Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests.” American Cancer Society. Updated 27 January 2018. Accessed 30 July 2018.

3. “Colorectal Cancer Risk Factors.” American Cancer Society. Updated June 29, 2020. Accessed 16 March 2021.

4. “By sending tests in the mail, researchers boost colorectal cancer screening.” University of North Carolina Health Care and University of North Carolina School of Medicine. 13 July 2018. Accessed 26 July 2018.

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